.NET Telnet Class Library

TelnetWrapper Members

Public Instance Constructors

TelnetWrapper ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the TelnetWrapper class.

Public Instance Properties

Connected Gets a value indicating whether a connection to the remote resource exists.
CR (inherited from TelnetProtocolHandler) Gets or sets the data sent on pressing [LineFeed] \r
CRLF (inherited from TelnetProtocolHandler) Gets or sets the data sent on pressing [RETURN] \n
Hostname Sets the name of the host to connect to.
Port Sets the port on the remote host.
TerminalHeight Sets the terminal height.
TerminalType Sets the terminal type.
TerminalWidth Sets the terminal width.

Public Instance Methods

ConnectOverloaded. Connects to the remote host and opens the connection.
Disconnect Disconnects the socket and closes the connection.
Equals (inherited from Object)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object)Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetType (inherited from Object)Gets the Type of the current instance.
Receive Starts receiving data.
Send Sends a command to the remote host.
ToString (inherited from Object)Returns a String that represents the current Object.

Public Instance Events


Protected Instance Fields

terminalType (inherited from TelnetProtocolHandler) The current terminal type for TTYPE telnet option.
windowSize (inherited from TelnetProtocolHandler) The window size of the terminal for the NAWS telnet option.

Protected Instance Methods

InputFeed (inherited from TelnetProtocolHandler) Adds bytes to the input buffer we'll parse for codes.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
Negotiate (inherited from TelnetProtocolHandler) Handle telnet protocol negotiation. The buffer will be parsed and necessary actions are taken according to the telnet protocol. RFC-Telnet
Reset (inherited from TelnetProtocolHandler) Reset the protocol handler. This may be necessary after the connection was closed or some other problem occured.
SendTelnetControl (inherited from TelnetProtocolHandler) Send a Telnet Escape character
Transpose (inherited from TelnetProtocolHandler) Transpose special telnet codes like 0xff or newlines to values that are compliant to the protocol. This method will also send the buffer immediately after transposing the data.
Write Writes data to the socket.

See Also

TelnetWrapper Class | De.Mud.Telnet Namespace